Town of Beaver Minutes
Town Board Meeting, May 13th 2024
Beaver Town Hall
Call to order at 6:30pm by Chairperson Bedora
Roll call- Supervisor Gisenas, Supervisor Fendryk, Chair Bedora and Clerk Patz present.
Motion to approve the agenda by Fendryk, 2nd by Gisenas carried.
Motion to approve minutes from April 16th, 2024, by Gisenas 2nd by Fendryk carried.
We received a letter from the Coleman Library asking for a donation the board recommended giving a $100.00 donation to both the Crivitz Library and the Coleman Library.
Motion was made by Fendryk, 2nd by Gisenas carried
Galen Pigman requested a 3.5-acre parcel be flipped between the house on one and the trailer on the other. Parcel 006-00730.001 (.52) acres , 006-00730.001, (3.04) acres
Motion to approve parcel being switched (pending) they get divided into a 2-acre parcel and the other the 1.5 and a certified survey map is done as well by Fendryk 2nd by Gisenas carried.
June’s meeting will be changed from June 10th 2024 to June 3rd 2024 as Supervisor Fendryk will be out of town.
Motion to approve meeting change by Fendryk 2nd by Gisenas carried.
Building permits
Cody Baker New shed 22 ft by 36 ft
Motion to approve permit by Fendryk 2nd by Gisenas carried.
Cassandra Sherman addition onto existing home 14ft by 42ft
Motion to approve building permit by Gisenas, 2nd by Fendryk carried.
Andrew and Amy Kaufman construction of a new 2 story home 2520 sq ft.
Motion to approve building permit by Fendryk 2nd by Gisenas carried.
Jason Zeitler cement work and rebuild from fire damage.
Motion to approve cement permit by Gisenas 2nd by Fendryk carried, building permit will not be issued until state plans are approved.
Marcus Mergener new home 2313 square ft.
Motion to approve building permit by Gisenas, 2nd by Fendryk carried.
Road report we will still look at starting 6th rd (trees to be cut) and doing Willston Springs road with Town of Stephenson.
Motion to approve these roads by Fendryk 2nd by Gisenas carried.
Motion to approve Voucher Report by Gisenas 2nd by Fendryk carried.
Motion to approve Treasurers report by Fendryk , 2nd by Gisenas carried.
Motion to adjourn by Gisenas 2nd by Fendryk carried.
Respectfully submitted by
Barb Patz Clerk/ Treasurer