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   Annual, Town Board Meeting, April 16th, 2024, Beaver Town Hall

Call to order at 7:05 pm by Chairperson Bedora

Roll call- Supervisor Gisenas, Supervisor Fendryk, Chair Bedora and Clerk Patz present.

Motion to approve the agenda by Jim Swick 2nd by Dave Patz

Robert made a motion for a 3-minute limit on public comment speaking.

Motion was Made to keep the limit on each item to 3 minutes per item – per person by David Patz second by Robert. Vote 19 yes – 2 no

Motion to accept minutes from May of 2023s annual meeting by Gisenas 2nd by Patz carried

Joel Rennie from Johnson and Rennie accounting gave the audit report for the town’s financials for the year 2023.

Motion to approve audit as presented by Robert Holley, 2nd by David Patz carried.

Public comment

Jim Swick presented a motion to recommend a resolution to put several items on the website monthly (he presented a flyer with his requests)

Jerry Pillath 2nd the motion. (discussion)

Motion and discussion was made by Jerry Pillath and 2nd by Robert Holley carried

Vote was 26 yes (not to put on website)

Jerry Pillath made a motion to advise the Board to put voucher report and other articles on website 2nd by Robert Holly.

Vote from the electors on presentation by Jim Swick for items to be added to website monthly.

24 no to 7 yes.

Motion to adjourn Robert Patz, 2nd David Patz. 

Respectfully Submitted By

Barb Patz Clerk/Treasurer