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                                           Town of Beaver Budget Hearing Minutes

                                             Town Board Meeting, November 06,2023 

                                                             Beaver Town Hall

The budget hearing was called to order at 6:30 pm by chairperson Bedora. In attendance were: Chairperson David Bedora, Supervisor Jerome Fendryk, Supervisor Gisenas, Clerk/Treasurer Barb Patz, Robert Patz, David Patz, Dave Goddard, Robert Holley, Paul Wilting, & Dan Bieber.

Motion to approve the agenda by Gisenas, second by Fendryk carried

Clerk reviewed the budget in detail.

Motion to close budget meeting @ 6:50pm by Robert Patz, 2nd by Dave Goddard. Carried

Town Meeting called to order at 6:52 by Chairperson Bedora

Motion to approve the town tax levy of $331,482.00 for 2023 to be paid in 2024 by David
Patz, 2nd by David Goddard.

6 yes

0 no

Motion to adjourn @ 7:15pm by Robert Patz, 2nd by David Patz. carried

Respectfully submitted by

Barb Patz
