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Forms & Permits

Building Permit

 Town Building Permits (applications) are needed for all work to be done on existing buildings and new construction, Commerical or Residental (call 920-619-9598) with any questions.  Building Permit issuer and Building Inspector is Jane Meissner 715-757-2040 or cell phone 715-245-1708.

Building Ordinance

Variance for Lot or Land Application

Driveway Permit

Razing Permit

A Razing permit is needed for any razing of existing structures.  Any Land split(creation of a new parcel) must have a Certified Survey Map (CSM) before the survey takes place.

Fire Number Application

Town Hall Rental Agreement


Dog Licenses

Dog license are issued by the Town of Beaver Clerk/Treasurer Barb Patz W8405 Cty Rd P, Crivitz, Wi 54114

Phone number (920) 619-9598

All dogs over the age of 5 months male or female within the Town Of Beaver must get a certificate of License and tag to be attached to a collar.

$8.00 for any unsprayed or unneutered dog
$3.00 for spayed or netured  (proof of rabies shots and neutering form a veterinary for all dogs.

License is valid for 1 year Jan to Jan