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Municipal Services


Recycle & Garbage

Recycle center is located at 8650 W 18th Rd, Crivitz, Wi 54114 and is open every Wednesday from 3pm to 6pm and Saturdays from 8am until noon. 

The Town of Beaver offers single stream recycling for Town of Beaver & Village of Pound property owners.

Single stream recycling guidelines



Mar-Co County Landfill
N7785 Shaffer Rd
Crivitz, Wi 54114


Hours 8am – 4pm Monday through Friday  8am -12 noon on 1st Saturdays of each month May through September


Town Hall Rental

Town Hall rental is available for Town of Beaver residents @ $50.00 per day along with a $50.00 security deposit.

Non Residents is $75.00 per day with a $50.00 security deposit. Contact Town Clerk


Property Taxes

Real estate and Property Taxes : Collected by Marinette County Treasurer (715-732-7430)

Contact Thomas Winters for assessing info. TLW Assessor Services LLC, N5375 Cty RD S, Pound WI 54161  (920) 396-0320



Department of Public Works

W8405 Cty Rd P
Crivitz, WI 54114

Contact: Robert Patz – 920-373-6002
Town of Beaver Hall -  920-897- 4378


Town of Beaver Volunteer Fire Department

Dial 911 for Emergencies

Village of Pound
Pound Volunteer Fire Department
2002 CR-Q, Pound, WI 54161

Fire Chief Turner Gross: 920-897-4307


Town of Brazeau
11438 Parkway rd
Pound, WI 54161

Fire Chief John Fetterly: 920-591-0358


Rescue Squad service

Dial 911 for Emergencies

Coleman Area Rescue Squad
119 E 16th rd
Coleman, WI 54112

Non-emergency: 920-897-2858                                                  

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Brazeau Rescue Squad
12128 Parkway Rd
Pound, WI 54161

Non-emergency: 920-897-3855


Crivitz Rescue Squad
1020 Henriette Aveue
Crivitz, WI 54114

Non-emergency: 715-854-7666



The Town of Beaver Cemetery is located ¾ mile east of Beaver (US Highway 141) on County Highway P, then ¼ mile north on 13th rd.

The Beaver Public Cemetery is a non-sectarian public burial ground with a rich history.  It is available to town of Beaver residents and any other individuals desiring interment spaces.

The cemetery was established in 1927 as the parish cemetery for the now defunct St. Paul’s Polish National Church congregation on land that was donated by a parishioner. The group broke away form the St, Leo Catholic congregation in Pound.  Julius Slominski , son of one of the original founders of the church, donated the money to the town of Beaver to fund perpetual care of the cemetery.

Cemetery plots are available at $250.00 for Beaver residents, $300.00 for all others.  Direct descendants of original St Paul parishioners are entitled to a burial plot free of charge.

One burial plot will accommodate two cremated remains.

The town of Beaver clerk at W8405 Cty Rd P, Crivitz, WI , will handle all plot sales.