Town of Beaver
Board of Review Monday July 24th 2023
6:30 p.m. (must be in session a minimum of 2 hours)
Beaver Town Hall W8405 Cty rd. P, Beaver, WI 54114
- Call Board of Review to Order
- Roll Call
- Confirmation of appropriate Board of Review and Open Books and Open Meetings Notices
- Select Chairperson for Board of Review
- Select Vice-Chairperson for Board of Review
- Verify that a member has met the mandatory training requirements
- Receipt of Assessment Roll from the Assessor
- Review Assessment Roll (optional)
- Discussion/Action-corrections of error under state law (sec.70.43 Wis. Stats.) if applicable
- Discussion/Action-assessor open book changes included in assessment roll, if applicable
- Allow taxpayers to examine assessment data as requested
- During the first two hours, consideration of:
- Waivers of the required 48-hour notice of intent to file objections when there is good cause
- Request(s) for waiver of the BOR hearing allowing the property owner an appeal directly to circuit court
- Request(s) to testify by telephone or submit sworn written statement
- Subpoena request(s)
- Act on any other legally allowed/required Board of Review matters
- Review Intent to File Objection(s)
- Proceed to hear objection(s) (sworn in objector/sworn in assessor), testimony, action of findings
- Summary/Comments of Annual Assessment by Assessor
- Consider/Schedule additional Board of Review date(s) if necessary
- Adjournment
Posted on: July 10th 2023
Barb Patz Clerk/Treasurer Town of Beaver